January 2011:  Gilbert Evans has been appointed by wine and spirits specialist Nicolas to review the French retailer’s property portfolio and to undertake all forthcoming rent reviews and lease renewals.  In addition, Gilbert Evans has also been instructed to actively look for potential stores within the M25. 

Nicolas currently operates 48 stores within the M25 following the recent sale of its 18 stores outside the M25 to Spirited Wine, set up by former Nicolas Operations Director, Benoit Thouvenin.

Nicolas UK’s Managing Director Eudes Morgan comments:  “We are now focusing our activity on London and inside the M25, an area that we believe offers the Nicolas brand the most potential. Now we have consolidated our portfolio and operating within a far smaller geographic area, we are benefiting from reduced administrative and logistical costs. This enables us to consider expansion opportunities within our preferred catchment”. 

Clive Snashall, Head of Agency at Gilbert Evans, adds:  “Nicolas will have a requirement in any affluent suburb inside the M25”.